Thecompany was founded in 1976, where she then maintain and update theexisting packaging machines Famaaml the Syrian Arab Republic. , Which marched out to gain the confidence of employers candy chocolate biscuit factories and pastry, ice-cream.
Thenthe company proceeded after this confidence and experience on themanufacture of packaging machines ensuring the mechanical and gave threeyears of the machine, making it of the pioneers in this area.
Theexcellence of our production of packaging machines using the latestsystems and techniques in mechanical engineering and electronics andthen expanded its sales to neighboring countries such as Lebanon. Jordan. Saudi Arabia. Iraq. Kuwait. UAE. Yemen. Egypt. Sudan. Libya and the rest of the world such as Canada. America. RussiaThe company received the certificates of appreciation from thosesources that I walked those machines in terms of premium quality andhigh accuracy estimation of those sources that I walked those machinesin terms of premium quality and high accuracy estimation of thosesources that I walked those machines in terms of premium quality andhigh accuracy property protection The brand and Models of Industrial Registrar
Chairman of the Board
Mohammed bin Ahmed Abu Amsha